
Search for Patient by Various Parameters
See all visit reports and billing history on a single screen
Access and Print All Reports from here
Quick Access of Patient Record
View Graphs of 3 diabetes parameters over multiple visits



Single Patient Record View
Time saved: Quick Retrieval of Patient Data
Storage Space Saved, no Paper Records!
Email or Print Report only when required
Access entire record in a single click



Consolidated View for a Single Patient
Search by Schedule, Sample Code, tests or dates
View the Pending Amount and total visits done
Date wise listing of visits
Graphical display of HBA1C, Blood Glucose and BUN tests



Made to follow MCI Regulations:
1.3.4 Efforts shall be made to computerize medical records for quick retrieval
You can store information indefinitely, technology used can store data for 200000 patients (test verified): Storage for 3 years mandatory as per Indian Medical Act
As per GCLP the Data management is mandatory as no record signifies no work is done, with LabC you have the entire process documented and data available at the click of a button

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LabC, LIMS, Lab Info System, Pathology Information System, Plus91


1. How can I search a patient record in LabC?
From the main menu (Dashboard) go to Patient Management feature. Enter the patient name you wish to search for and click on search to get the result.
2. Can I search patient record date-wise in LabC?
Yes you can search a patient record date-wise in LabC. Under the patient management module, you will see there is an option of from date and to date. Enter the date values and click on search to get patient records between two dates.
3. In what other ways can I search a patient-record in LabC?
With LabC, you can search a patient-record by name, schedule, test, dates and sample code.
4. Which details can I view when I search a patient record?
You can view the patient demographic details, tests undertaken and the billing history of the patient on searching the patient record.
5. Can I search a patient record for a particular test in LabC?
Yes you can search a patient record for a particular test in LabC.